I found Meow sleeping in the middle of the field. She's so tanned!
I only got to walk around for a bit because wifi crashed.
I only got to walk around for a bit because wifi crashed.
Dogpatch had the gates open. I thought I would pop in eventhough I only met Thelma earlier this week.
What a nice welcome sign!
What a nice welcome sign!
Leesh decided to fish to kill some time. To her surprise she caught a blue marlin.
Should she sell it to Nook or donate it to the museum?
I know what Yuki would say...DONATE! Leesh will do it tomorrow morning.
Should she sell it to Nook or donate it to the museum?
I know what Yuki would say...DONATE! Leesh will do it tomorrow morning.
With the blue marlin in Leesh's pocket, she didn't want to risk a wifi crash so she packed up, mailed a letter and went back to 90210. Thanks Meow and Thelma for leaving your gates open. Too bad you guys were not awake when I came to visit. Until next time...