*This isn't Ross, I just wanted to show a character holding a fish*As I mentioned before, I had to start a new Animal Crossing game. I kept the names of my characters the same but changed my town name to 90210. I started off with Leesh and as the days went by, I re-introduced Ross to the mix. I knew that Ross had to first work for Tom Nook but it was early in the morning before Nook's opened so I let Ross shake all the trees and he collected about 1100 bells. Not bad. Ross didn't have to buy a shovel because Leesh originally had one and bought another and bury it to get a golden shovel. She then left her old shovel in the house for Ross. The Fishing Tourney took place yesterday and since Ross didn't have a fishing pole, Tortimer was kind enough to give Ross his old one. Ross is pretty much free-loading. Everything has been handed to him on a silver platter. He's such a smart guy.
I should play Ross more and get him out on the town, talking to the neighbors, he needs a best friend like how Leesh has Aurora (the penguin). Aurora even gave Leesh a framed photo of herself. It's nicely displayed in the house, next to the candle.
Some music needs to be played in the house but Leesh and Ross forgot to go to The Roost on Saturday night. But I don't dare to time travel. They will just have to wait until this Saturday.
Ross and Leesh still have a pertty small house. They could pay off the mortgage today but they have been smart about saving their money so that they can get interest at the end of the month. On Friday, they will pay off their mortgage, get the 2nd expansion just in time for Flea Market Day on Saturday. God knows they have lots of furniture to sell.