Leesh and Ross have not been to lalaland in a really long time so it was quite a surprise to see how perfect the town is. So many trees bearing fruit plus palm trees lined up the shore line with coconuts. There are also flowers - hybrid flowers - orange pansies, pink and purple tulips, etc..plus Jacob's Ladders. These flowers only appear when you have a perfect town. mo.par greeted leesh with presents and then brought her to Shampoodle to get her hair done. leesh also got to see mo.par's house. It's nicely decorated in the regal series on the 1st floor and in the green series on the 2nd floor. Everything is feng shui'd.
*mo.par and leesh in lalaland*
*leesh's new hair do*Later on, JT came to visit Ross in 90210. Although Ross and leesh are starting all over in a new town, JT commented that he liked the different types of houses and abundance of water - things you don't come to realize when you live in the town. JT gave Ross some tips on how to breed flowers and how to fix up the garden. He also watered some plants and trees with his golden watering can. Both visits were short but fun.
*Ross with his mohawk and JT with a toque*
mo.par & JT had so much fun today! Thanks for letting JT visit! He loves 90210. All the houses have so much character and it's such a large town. Your neighbours seem really nice too!