Friday, April 3, 2009

An early Flea Market

I have to work tomorrow so I won't be able to participate in the Flea Market (I think it's only during the afternoon). I know I shouldn't mess with nature but I am pulling a "LOST" and time traveling to tomorrow. I want to sell some of the junk that I have accumulated. Does anyone else find that the furniture that falls out of the trees is just a waste? I have picked up a sleigh, an office chair, an executive toy and a bunch of other silly things that I would never put in my house. I feel really guilty that I time traveled and I am going to have to pay for it when I go back to real time because there will be an abundance of weeds and almost dead flowers. I have to water like crazy because Flower Fest is next week. I must be careful!

So, leesh and Ross put out all their junk on the first floor and tried to sell most things for 1000 bells. It doesn't always work but that is my starting point, then my neighbours can haggle. It's like going to the market in Cuba or Mexico. Cesar (the gorilla or ape) is such a cheap ass. He thinks everything is expensive. I actually don't like him and am planning to hit him multipe times with my shovel (or net if I want to be nice, it won't hurt as much). I also plan to plant pitfall seeds in front of his house. I dislike his mean face.

Here in the picture, he is showing me a letter, it's from Ross (my roommate) and it says "Stop being a bully and just be my friend".

I really hope he leaves town. I want a new neighbour.

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