Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pattern making is so much fun

Today I caught a frog in the pond. I know it's not a big deal but when you catch something new, it's quite exciting. Too bad the frog isn't worth that much.

*leesh with the frog she caught*

After viewing some other AC:WW blog diaries, I decided to fix up my town. Unfortunately, in the process of building a pool by the house, I think leesh may have dug up her one and only orange cosmo. To protect the other single hybrids, I have built a flower bed. Stay tuned for a photo. Well, AC friends - the pool is now open for the summer. Let me know if you want to come by for a dip.

*the new pool, plenty of room for many friends to hang out*

Pattern making is fun but very time consuming and detailed. I can't design my own patterns, so I have found some on the net. Here's the pattern for water (Photo courtesy of Mayu's ACWW photo diary). I already followed a pattern to make the stones for my flower bed and next, I will be following a pattern to make a rainbow bkini.

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