Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flea Market Day

Hey everyone - don't forget that this Saturday is Flea Market Day so start rounding up all your old junk and set it out for your townies to come to your house to buy. Also remember to go to your neighbor's houses to see what furniture you can buy from them. You can finally get that item you have been eyeing all month.

If you need a guide to help you know how much items really costs when you are haggling, check out this site, Animal Crossing: Wild World Furniture FAQ. With this guide, you will know if you are getting ripped off or if you can con your neighbour into spend more than what you originally paid for.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Magic rock trick (the pattern)

In case you want to try out the magic rock trick, I am going to try my best to explain it in a diagram since I can't find the website where I originally read about it. Try to create this diagram pattern around a rock, what you are trying to do is have 7 spaces around the rock where the bell bags can fall and block some of the space with holes. You have to dig a hole behind you so that you will bounce back when you hit the rock (this saves time as normally, you have to run forward to hit the rock again). The 7 spaces surrounding you will hold 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 2000 and if you are lucky, 4000 bells. Good luck and I hope I am clear on how to do this trick.

x H x x
x R Y H
x H x x

x = spaces where the bell bag will fall when it comes out of the rock
H = hole
R = rock
Y = your character

The trick is worth it but is a pain in the butt having to dig this pattern around every rock in your town until you find the "magic" rock.

Planting fruits

On leesh's visit to lalaland, mo.par allowed her to collect some peaches, cherries and pears, as well as coconuts. When leesh got back home, she planted coconuts by the shore and the other fruits behind her house. Today, 6 of the 9 fruit trees planted are starting to grow and 3 of the 4 coconuts planted are also started to grow. Not a bad rate, it's a good start...

Once the trees have fully grown, the fruit will be shaken and planted in the fruit orchard on the other side of the river.

Money bag trick

I finally did it. After reading about how to get more than the last 1000 bell bag from hitting a rock with your shovel, I tried each day to get more bell bags than normal. To do this trick, you must dig a hole on each side of the rock and one hole behind you. The hole behind you will prevent you from bouncing back when you hit the rock and it will eliminate some of the time it takes you to walk towards the rock. I did this trick and got 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000 and 2000 bell bags!!!! Apparently, you can get a 4000 bell bag but I don't think I was fast enough or I covered one of the seven space around the rock where the bags land.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


A new neighbor has moved in, Angus. He is from lalaland. He hasn't even unpacked yet so I have no idea what he is like. Hopefully this cow is friendly like some of the other residents of 90210. It looks like his birthday is in two days, on April 30th. I hope he has a party!

lalaland is a PERFECT town

Leesh and Ross have not been to lalaland in a really long time so it was quite a surprise to see how perfect the town is. So many trees bearing fruit plus palm trees lined up the shore line with coconuts. There are also flowers - hybrid flowers - orange pansies, pink and purple tulips, Jacob's Ladders. These flowers only appear when you have a perfect town. mo.par greeted leesh with presents and then brought her to Shampoodle to get her hair done. leesh also got to see mo.par's house. It's nicely decorated in the regal series on the 1st floor and in the green series on the 2nd floor. Everything is feng shui'd.

*mo.par and leesh in lalaland*

*leesh's new hair do*

Later on, JT came to visit Ross in 90210. Although Ross and leesh are starting all over in a new town, JT commented that he liked the different types of houses and abundance of water - things you don't come to realize when you live in the town. JT gave Ross some tips on how to breed flowers and how to fix up the garden. He also watered some plants and trees with his golden watering can. Both visits were short but fun.

*Ross with his mohawk and JT with a toque*

Monday, April 27, 2009

Re-introducing Ross!!!

*This isn't Ross, I just wanted to show a character holding a fish*

As I mentioned before, I had to start a new Animal Crossing game. I kept the names of my characters the same but changed my town name to 90210. I started off with Leesh and as the days went by, I re-introduced Ross to the mix. I knew that Ross had to first work for Tom Nook but it was early in the morning before Nook's opened so I let Ross shake all the trees and he collected about 1100 bells. Not bad. Ross didn't have to buy a shovel because Leesh originally had one and bought another and bury it to get a golden shovel. She then left her old shovel in the house for Ross. The Fishing Tourney took place yesterday and since Ross didn't have a fishing pole, Tortimer was kind enough to give Ross his old one. Ross is pretty much free-loading. Everything has been handed to him on a silver platter. He's such a smart guy.

I should play Ross more and get him out on the town, talking to the neighbors, he needs a best friend like how Leesh has Aurora (the penguin). Aurora even gave Leesh a framed photo of herself. It's nicely displayed in the house, next to the candle.

Some music needs to be played in the house but Leesh and Ross forgot to go to The Roost on Saturday night. But I don't dare to time travel. They will just have to wait until this Saturday.

Ross and Leesh still have a pertty small house. They could pay off the mortgage today but they have been smart about saving their money so that they can get interest at the end of the month. On Friday, they will pay off their mortgage, get the 2nd expansion just in time for Flea Market Day on Saturday. God knows they have lots of furniture to sell.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another AC fan

My BFF, Stfne just got a DS today and she also bought Animal Crossing. I hope she likes it. So far, I have introduced AC to two other friends and they are quite addicted. Stfne - I hope you like the game as much as M & M and myself. If you ever need any help with anything, you have Twitter to ask questions or on this blog. Like I mentioned, mo_par is the pro, she has a perfect town and knows how to do everything like hybriding flowers and shoot down the balloons.

I also realized that you can play Mystery Case Files: Millionheir now (so can Rex)

Happy DSing!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This pic is too funny. My husband hates that I play AC:WW so much. He made Resetti say this...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Neighbors visiting

I almost forgot that Bill (the duck) was coming over for a playdate. Leesh already bailed on him once so I had to make sure that she remembered to be home. All he did was talk about muscles and asking what to call Filbert and Robin (best buds of course).

I noticed that the neighbors are not asking me to make many deliveries but I am digging up a lot of fossils.

Time Travelling

Time travelling is a BIG NO-NO! Being a greedy little girl, I decided that I should time travel to Saturday, May 2nd for Flea Market Day. Leesh has tons of extra furniture that she doesn't want and I figured, might as well sell it. What a big mistake!!! My garden (that I worked so hard on) disappeared and had many dead flowers and weeds, there were three cockroaches in the house and Lyle was stalking again.

I was scared and all itchy just at the sight of the cockroaches. I went back to the current date and the flowers were still dying and those pesky roaches were still in my house. I have learnt my lesson - time travelling one day ahead is okay but not two weeks ahead. I am back to planting my garden and will just have to go about my daily routine. Being greedy does not get you anywhere, it just sets you back. Everyone, please learn from my mistakes.

Only 40,000 more bells to go to pay off my mortgage and then I get my second expansion.

P.S. - I am collecting modern and exotic furniture. If anyone in lalaland or qwerty have pieces of these series, please donate them to Leesh.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's with all the birds?


I have a town full of birds - Aurora (the penguin), Egbert (the chicken), Goose (the goose) and Robin (the bird). There needs to be a new neighbour, preferably one without wings or a beak.

1st expansion

I forgot how small your house is when you start the game off. Luckily, the first mortgage is only 18,400 bells and with the knowledge I have already gained, I knew to shake all the trees and first buy a fishing rod and shovel. I paid off my mortgage in no time.

Eventhough Flower Fest is already over, I thought that I should still have a garden. I am following in the footsteps of mo.par and colour coding my garden. There is a white flower section, and also a red and yellow one. And somewhere in there, a purple tulip (or rose) appeared.

I will continue to fish, search for fossil, talk to neighbours, etc. It sucks that Nook's Cranny is going to be closed tomorrow but the bright side is, it will become Nookway. I am one step away from Nookington's.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Home Announcement

Welcome to 90210!!! Leesh has moved from L.A. to 90210 and Ross will follow as soon as leesh is settled in. The town is different from L.A. but it quite lovely. It's going to take some time to get use to but exploring a new town is always fun. Leesh already has 1100 bells and a regal dresser but still has to go and work for that crook, Tom Nook.

It's a happy day today folks!!!

Stay tuned...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hold please...

Animal Crossing will be put on hold until Monday night. It's been a sad day but things are looking better. The new town (not sure if it will still be L.A.) will be taking donations (bells, furniture, shirts or clothing).

It's a sad day today in the AC world


L.A. got hit hard with a natural disaster. It has disappeared, it's gone...kaputs.

Yes, my game went into space. It serves me right because I was playing a bootleg version.

Downside: I was going on my 4th expansion. I had the completed the cabana series and was almost close to completing the modern series. I had many songs from K.K. Slider. I had a pretty decent sized garden ready to be judged for tomorrow's Flower Fest. I had many shirt and accessories for leesh and Ross.

Upside: I now know how to make money fast. I know how to plant coconut trees. I know how to get foreign fruit. I can get a different furniture series.

OMFG! i just realized that there are more downsides than upsides. I am leaving the condo now to go by the real game with my Toys R Us store credit.

lalaland and qwerty

Yesterday, I had two visitors to L.A. but I also got to visit lalaland (to hangout with JT) and qwerty (to hangout with sweetmre). Plenty of hours explore the towns. So much fun.

BEWARE - I realized that when you create a saying for your neighbours, it carries over to the next town they move to. Never let your character say "panis dong" because they won't understand the inside joke.

*sweetmre, JT and leesh in front of sweetmre's house in qwerty*

*sweetmre (after her haircut at Nookington's in L.A.), Ross and mo.par - you probably can't see because I take crappy pictures but sweetmre has a rose in her mouth, Ross has a white rose in his hair and mo.par is holding a dandelion in her hand*

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Animal Crossing book

For those City Folk people, I just found out that there is a book. There is one for Wild World but it's not available at Chapters or the search begins...

Animal Characters

Wanna get to know them a little more...

Animal Crossing Characters

No more Cherry Blossoms

Am I losing my mind? All the non-bearing fruit trees are no longer Cherry Blossoms. I thought that the trees would remain pink for the reminder of the month. I am so sad. It was so pretty.

New Neighbour: Maelle

As Ross was walking over to talk Tortimer (the turtle), he saw a cute little duck walking about. He went and introduced himself to her...L.A. has a new resident - Maelle. Her house is filled with lovely furniture (a little too pink for my taste). She is a sweet little duckling.

I found out that Anabelle (the anteater) has moved to lalaland. mo.par wants to cut her off. My poor friend (AC and real one)...

Here is a picture of Ross beside the growing palm tree. I can't wait for the tree to fully grow. I plan to shake the coconuts off of only one of the trees and use those two coconuts to plant more trees. Keep your fingers crossed that the trees grow. I guess this is when Feng Shui comes in handy. Good luck will make the trees grow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Palm Trees

*This photo is taken off of the web, not from my town.
My tree hasn't fully grown yet and I no longer have snow in L.A.*

mo.par was kind enough to let me shake a palm tree that was in her town so that I could collect the coconuts and plant it on the shores of L.A. I am proud to say that I have two palm trees growing. Thanks Maureen for the tips on where to plant the coconut.

1/ Cut down an existing tree near the beach and shovel out the stump, then plant a coconut in that hole

2/ Plant a coconut just near the shore line

I am so excited to have palm trees. Now I am going to try to make a towel and lie it on the beach so it looks like I am going to sun tan.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Watch the beginning of this You Tube clip. This happened in AC:CF but maybe it might work in Wild World. I am going to try it tonight. I am going to get leesh to push Cesar in a hole. (BTW - I am already planted 5 pitfall seeds at the entrance of Cesar's house and I also dug holes all around his house. I hope he falls in one of the holes or I am going to try and push him in one!)

Visiting lalaland

Yesterday, Ross went to visit mo.par in lalaland and was greeted with a big smile and two presents - a cabana bookcase and vanity. Thanks to mo.par, the cabana series is now complete - should score some big points with HRA. Ross then went to mo.par's house to see her digs. The first floor is all decked out in regal furniture. They took a nap and sat and talked on the couch. Before Ross left lalaland, he went to visit Angus, Peanut and Rodeo. Most of mo.par's neighbours wanted to challenge Ross in fishing but Ross had to write some letters and be on his way. Ross finally left with some coconuts in hand. Hopefully they will grow once planted on the beaches of L.A.

Later in the evening, mo.par came to visit leesh because she had some letters to mail to the residents of L.A. It was a quick visit because The Hills (in real life) was going to start and no one wanted to miss the season premiere. mo.par laughed at leesh's horrible haircut and they exchanged some gifts. They also had a great time showing off the fishes they caught.

On a real note - showing off fish make me laugh so hard. I love the sound that it makes. I can't wait until I catch a shark, then I will annoy everyone because I will constantly show it off!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

New haircut

Last night, I let Mike answer the questions from Harriet at Shampoodle and this is the ugly haircut I got. Mike is no longer allowed to help me play my AC game. I am wondering if he was trying to my make character look ugly since he hates the fact that I play so much. It's his evil plot against me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fishing in ponds

Today Ross fished in two ponds and in both ponds caught a crawfish. Cool. Being the nice person he is, he sold one to Nook and donated the other to the museum. Ross also went and met L.A.'s newest resident, Buck (the horse). He has some cool light blue furniture. Perhaps something Ross could buy in a future Flea Market. Ross also got stung by a bee but also caught one (bonus 4500 bells).

Pitfall Seeds - dangerous!!!

This morning I planted three pitfall seeds in front of Cesar's house. I hope he falls in every single hole and decides to move. It looks like Pecan (the chipmunk) is moving and that a new neighbour is moving in - can't remember the name right now or what animal he is. I will soon find out. Ross can be L.A.'s Welcome Wagon and greet the new resident. I hope he is not as annoying as Cesar.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

AC charms

If you like charms and also like AC - would you want these? Last summer, I was obsessed with collecting the Winnie-the-Pooh charms. I wanted the whole beach/summer collection. It didn't help that my mom and aunt were feeding into my obsession by searching for those 25 cent machines. If these AC charms were available in those machines, I would for sure be looking out for them.

Feng Shui

I just learned about Feng Shui from Boss (she plays AC:CF). I think the Feng Shui is pretty much the same for DS and Wii. Here are some websites to help you out:

Feng Shui Guide

Feng Shui FAQs

I need to rearrange my first and second floor. Good thing that I didn't get rid of all my crap at Flea Market. I may have some items that will bring me luck.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Lyle the insurance guy (seal?) keeps stalking me. I don't know if I want the insurance for bee stings. I want to become a pro at swapping up the bees with my net. As soon as the beehive drops, quickly get the net and hit "A". Simple huh? Not really, you have to do it quick-time. The reward - 4500 bells from Nook.

Leesh doesn't have the insurance but Ross does. Do you think it's worth the 3000 bells you have to pay to Lyle?

An early Flea Market

I have to work tomorrow so I won't be able to participate in the Flea Market (I think it's only during the afternoon). I know I shouldn't mess with nature but I am pulling a "LOST" and time traveling to tomorrow. I want to sell some of the junk that I have accumulated. Does anyone else find that the furniture that falls out of the trees is just a waste? I have picked up a sleigh, an office chair, an executive toy and a bunch of other silly things that I would never put in my house. I feel really guilty that I time traveled and I am going to have to pay for it when I go back to real time because there will be an abundance of weeds and almost dead flowers. I have to water like crazy because Flower Fest is next week. I must be careful!

So, leesh and Ross put out all their junk on the first floor and tried to sell most things for 1000 bells. It doesn't always work but that is my starting point, then my neighbours can haggle. It's like going to the market in Cuba or Mexico. Cesar (the gorilla or ape) is such a cheap ass. He thinks everything is expensive. I actually don't like him and am planning to hit him multipe times with my shovel (or net if I want to be nice, it won't hurt as much). I also plan to plant pitfall seeds in front of his house. I dislike his mean face.

Here in the picture, he is showing me a letter, it's from Ross (my roommate) and it says "Stop being a bully and just be my friend".

I really hope he leaves town. I want a new neighbour.

Cute Stylus Pen

Would I be over-doing it with a AC stylus pen? I already look like a freak because I have a Winnie-the-Pooh (dressed in a penguin suit) charm hanging off of my DS.

fruit sets

I originally wanted to collect all the fruit furniture because I thought it belonged to a series (like modern and cabana) but I was wrong. The fruit furniture comes in sets - pear, melon, etc. So I have a ton of various pieces like a watermelon table, pear dresser, lime chair, orange chair, lemon table...if you are interested in them, let me know.

Speaking of furniture - I found a cabana bookcase in the recycling bin. Looks like Mitzi (the cat)finally gave it up and now it's mine for FREE!!!

HINT: if you want something from one of your neighbours and can't wait until Flea Market Day (1st Saturday of every month), keep on sending them letters with furniture attached that you don't want. Eventually they will have to get rid of something in their house to make room for all the things you are giving them.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fishing Tonight

I FINALLY caught a freshwater goby and a zebra turkeyfish. Now I have to catch that seahorse...

New Headgear

My neighbour Dotty (a bunny) was bugging for a "swell" shirt and I finally went to Nookington's to buy the goddamn shirt because she wouldn't shut up about it. I gave it to her and all I got was a "kaffiyeh". WTF is a kaffiyeh? - it's a masculine Arab headdress - really in Animal Crossing???

It's April

*my iPhone does not take the greatest pictures*

It's the second day in April and most of the non-bearing fruit trees have become Cherry Blossoms. It's so pretty. Next week will be FlowerFest so I am deseparately trying hard to plant more flowers and make sure that I water them. This Saturday is flea market, I have a lot of "stuff" that I need to sell, plus, Mitzi has a cabana bookcase that I want to buy.

Since it's the beginning of a new month, MP tells me that there are a bunch of new fish to catch. With her luck, she caught a seahorse and a zebra turkey fish - WTF? I was fishing furiously last night and with NO luck, I caught the usual horse mackrel and carp, etc...
The bonus is, I did catch two red snappers - $$$

Animal Crossing: Wild World

I have been playing Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW) since late January and it's because Boss told me about Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) for Wii. I have been playing every day and it's quite addicting. I have two character - leesh and Ross and they live in L.A.

I have expanded my house twice already, a larger area on the first floor and I now have a seond floor. My first floor has the Cabana set (a vanity and bookcase is still missing) and the second floor has the modern set (I still need a lot of pieces). The store, Nookington's, which is conveniently located next to my house has renovated many times and now has the hair salon.

Recently, I visited mo.par and JT in lalaland and met some of their neighbours. It's fun playing DS to DS or Nintendo WFC, if I could only find more friends to play with. So far, I know that MP, MB and JN are also playing ACWW.


I have a blog already and it's a blog about me and my life. Well, part of my life consists of playing my Nintendo DS Lite and I am sure that the majority of my friends do not want to read about me playing Cooking Mama, Viva Pinata or currently, Animal Crossing.

I decided today that I would make another blog about games that I play on my DS. A warning though, as of lately, I am obsessed with Animal Crossing so bear with the fact that the next few months will only be about this game.