Saturday, December 12, 2009

Guess what I got for my birthday???

For my birthday, my husband got me a cool skin for my DS. My old skin was looking a bit brown and dirty so I removed it with hopes to get a new one (if and when I found the right one). But my husband made me a custom skin with my favorite picture from our last vacation in Cuba.  One of the gardeners at the resort we were staying at picked a very pretty red flower. We placed it on the beach and took a picture of it. I love the contrast of the bright red and the aqua colour of the ocean.




  1. WOW! Your DS is beautiful xD The red really makes it pop :)

  2. Wow! It's so nice! I'm an acww player too, lol! Well anyway you must be awesome at taking pics because the flower is so pretty and perfect!
